Let go..

I realised that the more we want to control, the less control and freedom we have.

Mostly we are afraid that once we let go, we lose control. However, that isn’t true.

Mostly we control because of fear.

▪ Sometimes we are afraid that our beliefs get threatened.

▪ Sometimes we act out of jealousy, insecurities and lack of trust.

▪ Sometimes we are afraid that our friends and family would change.

▪ Sometimes we are afraid of making mistakes and looking bad in front of others.

▪ Sometimes we are afraid of the unknown and uncertainties.

When we try to control someone or something, we realize that we are actually wanting to be controlled by that person or thing. Since our freedom depends on the person or thing we want to control, the person or thing gets to decide how we feel.

Letting go of control is letting go of the feelings and illusions that we are out of control.

So Don’t Control 😊

Thanks For Reading


127 thoughts on “Let go..

  1. Jokerswild says:

    Control comes with need and everyone wants to be or feel needed. It’s that want factor, and it comes with the thing people crave and that’s attention. Letting go of the ego is the first step in heeding control and gaining self freedom. Wonderful post beautiful🌹🌹

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sifar says:

    So true…and the more we control the more is the tendency of the thing being controlled to break away!! Letting go and then pulling strings if needed is what works….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. DutchIl says:

    One cannot control life anymore than one can control the winds…. 🙂

    “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were.” Richard Bach

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Megha's World says:

    I just started reading your posts and seems like your posts are inclined towards embracing postiviity and love in life. You write with a clarity of thoughts which is a rare trait these days. Keep writing Maahi.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. To Young Hearts says:

    I love the truth in this! Sometimes our need for control displays more insecurities than confidence, so its better to just let go and let be. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Equipping says:

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    Liked by 2 people

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