Set Yourself Free.

Holding a grudge is like giving your past, the right to spoil everything.

Release yourself from the captivity of past grudges.

Move on with your life!

Whatever you are holding onto, whatever negative emotion has been rolling around your head …

Just let it go.

It isn’t worth it.

Being mad about it won’t change anything.

Simplify your life and set yourself free 👻

Best is yet to come. ❤️

Thanks For Reading


© Copyright 2018, Rêveuse. All rights reserved.

118 thoughts on “Set Yourself Free.

  1. Prashantt says:

    I loved this post Mahee!
    Life is too long to hold the grudges and spoil it whereas it takes a second to set ourselves free inorder to make life beautiful.
    Keep writing!📝👌🌹😇

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jokerswild says:

    So true lovely, grudges are pointless. Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to get sick, it’s a waste of time. You’ll get much further moving on. Wonderful words lovely.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Green Gravity Hackers says:

    Sometime old thoughts comes to my mind and they try to supress me. But I never lose my will and also the words you put on your blog inspires me. Really lovely post

    Liked by 2 people

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